Pie Social

Sunday night after our evening worship service we headed down to our fellowship hall for an ol’ fashioned pie/dessert social! We had two tables full of delicious sweets! Yummy desserts! After everyone had finished eating the Brotherhood presented Bro. Jimmy with...

Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child

On Friday night Bethel’s WMU got together, like they do every year, to put together shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. These shoeboxes filled with small gifts, necessities, and covered in prayer will go to children all around the...

4th Annual Ladies Night Out

Bethel Baptist Church held it’s 4th annual Ladies Night Out tonight and was graciously hosted by our sister church Westside Baptist. We came together as sisters-in-Christ and had a tremendous time of fellowship and worship! Bro. Kenny was there at the beginning...